Also referred to as Mahalasa Narayani temple, the presiding deity of the temple is Shri Mahalasa Narayani. Created in year 1565 AD, the temple is built by Archaks under the alias name of Gurav on a land donated by Pai family of Kumta.T

The temple is ornamented with many admiring wood carvings along with many Mahabharata and Ramayana episodes painted on the wall. The temple celebrates many festivals with great fervor including the Foundation day in the month of March/April.

Shri Mahalasa Narayani’s temple at Madangeri, just a stone’s throw away from Gokarna Road station on Konkan Railway, is more popularly known as Shri Mahalasa Siddhivinayaka Temple.

The temple dedicated to the Kuladevata was established and the Pratisthapana of the idol was held in 1992. In 2000, the temple was reconstructed and the Punarpratisthapana was done by HH Swamiji Vidyadhiraj Thirtha Maharaj of Gokarna Partagali Math.


Festivals celebrated in the Mahalasa temple, Gokarna

Every year, the following major occasions are celebrated at the temple:

  • Shravana Sankashti- With a Ganahoma, Darshan Seva and Sankashti Pooja.
  • Ganesh Chaturthi- With a Darshana Seva.
  • Ashwin Shashti- With Devatha Aradhana, Bhajana, Darshan Seva & Suvarna Gonde Prasad at night.
  • Karthika Sankashti- With a Coconut Seva and Darshan Seva.
  • Vardhanti Utsav- Shatakalashabhishkha, Darshan Seva and Swamiji’s Pravachana.
  • Apart from this, a Darshan Seva is held on the Sunday following a Poornima of every month.



About 150 years ago, an idol of Shri Siddhivinayak was installed in a small temple.

Later in 1977, a Kulavi of Shri Mahalasa Narayani, hotelier Shri Gangadhar Pai wanted to keep a photograph of the Kuladevata at his hotel. He searched everywhere, but did not get a suitable photo. One day, he landed in a shop where pooja materials are sold. There, he brought an eight-inch idol of Shri Mahalasa Narayani and kept it at his hotel.

In 1983, a learned man visited his hotel and advised him not to keep the idol there, but at a sanctimonious place. The idol was then taken to Shri Radhakrishna Pai’s home, for worship.

One day, during an avesha of Grama Purusha, it was stated that the Goddess Herself would arrange for a good poojasthana so that Her devotees can start worshiping Her. As Her popularity in the area grew, a temple devoted to Her was established and the Pratisthapana of the idol was held in 1992. In 2000, the temple was reconstructed and the Punarpratisthapana was done by HH Swamiji Vidyadhiraj Thirtha Maharaj of Gokarna Partagali Math. Later a new Yagnashala was constructed.


The Charitra of Goddess Shri Mahalasa

The Charitra of Goddess Shri Mahalasa Narayani is considered as the Bhagavad Gita for Kulavis and other followers of Shri Mahalasa Narayani.

A Parayan or proper reading of the book not only gives one peace of mind, but it is also said to have brought out many devotees from their state of distress. Many have said that this book changed their lives for the better.

The Charitra is available in Kannada, Marathi and English editions. The Kannada and Marathi editions come with a book of Stotras and Aaratis at no additional cost. To get the Charitra , one can contact any temple devoted to Shri Mahalasa Narayani.

You can also order the Charitra in a language of your choice, by filling in the form given below:


Guidelines for reading of the Charitra

  • Read this book with purity of thought.
  • Anyone can read the Charitra .
  • A word from a Guru would have far-reaching effects.
  • There is no hard and fast rule that the Parayan should begin on any particular day. However, it is best if it is read daily. If that is not possible, it can be read on Sundays, the day that is dear to Shri Mahalasa Narayani.
  • The Charitra can also be read on Tuesdays, Fridays, Ashtami, Ekadashi, Dwadashi and on all days of Navaratri, besides days of religious importance.
  • This book should be read with a commitment, pure mind, and utter devotion.
  • One should have satvik (pure) thoughts and satvik (no onion, no garlic, vegetarian) food.
  • This should be read before any auspicious function at home.
  • At least one chapter should be completed in one sitting.
  • One should take a bath and wear clean clothes.
  • The place where you are sitting while reading should be clean.
  • Before the Parayan, achaman should be done and respects offered to Guru, God and ancestors. Then, one should utter Kala, Samvatsara, Rithu, Maasa, Paksha, Tithi, Wara and Nakshatra.
  • The Goddess’s illuminating Charitra should be kept on a chaurangi or manai (wooden reading stand) and must be worshipped.
  • It should be read either facing east or north.
  • The reading should be commenced with Shri Mahalasa Narayani”s Kavacaham and Asshottara Shatnamamantra (given in the Charitra itself.)
  • Tribhuvaneshwari Devi”s blessed book should be kept at home and worshipped with gandha (sandalwood paste) and flowers. It should be kept preferably in a silk cloth.
  • After the Parayan, the Charitra”s pooja should be performed and mangala arati shown to it.
