1. Kokoda Track ,Papua New Guinea
This trek is rich in history and is a world war 2 where Japanese and Australian fighters battled it out. This is one of tough trek that takes upto four to ten days to complete. It could be very long time before someone finds you , if something goes wrong. This trail leads to into the heart of the Owen Stanley Range of Mountains where deep dark gorges block out sunlight,lush green vegetation grows. Hot humid days with frigid nights is only suitable for fittest hikers. Health threats including malaria and other tropical disease are real. Forest insects , wildlife and poison plants make up the landscape. Apart from so many diseases and danger and spectacular views of the valleys and rivers totally make this trip unforgettable.
2. Devil’s path – New York State
Located a short two or three hours drive outside of Manhattan has one of the country’s most challenging trek. Devil’s path is located in the Catskills Mountains and it can take you days to complete due to its extreme characteristics. We will suggest you to prepare for this tough one. The trail is full of extreme rocky terrain, extreme downhills and very slippery sections. Waterfalls are found , so it’s highly suggested to carry your food above ground. Upon completion of the trail, you will get to see the worth waiting view of the Catskill range
3. Indian Himalayas, India
Fewer people trek on the Indian side of the world’s greatest mountain. So, if you love isolation , try this trek in Himachal Pradesh . Hardcore hikers can try this trek for almost 24 days from Spiti to Ladakh. When you see the final view you will agree with Rudyard Kipling,”Surely the god loves here,this is no place for men”.
4. West Coast trail-Vancouver Island
The 48 mile trek is hiked by hundreds of people every year, this trek requires experience and determination. Steep slopes and long ladders are all a part of this trail . Black bears, wolves live in the same forests as you walk through and have been known to attack some hikers. Although this trek is completed by many hikers, do yourself a favor and do not take it lightly; this one must be prepared for.
5. Skyline/Muir snowfield Trail
Mount Rainier, Washington – this one is the shortest trek of 9 miles . Hikers start their trek through a beautiful mountain , lush forests, lakes and breathtaking views. When you come upon the 2,800 foot vertical Muir Snowfield climb, the unpredictable weather started. The most dangerous part of this trek may be infact the storms that blow off the Pacific Ocean and around 100 climbers have slipped , fallen or become frozen while try to climb.
6. The Snowmen Trek- Bhutan
High altitudes make The Snowmen Trek Bhutan’s toughest trek. Starting trek with in Paro and ending 24 days later in Nikka Chhu, this trek is for tough ones.The difficult weather conditions contribute to many challenges to this trek. Butprepare for views of the Himalayas, lush valleys,dense forests and snow capped mountains. Altitudes will continuously stay above 4000 meters (over 13,000 feet) and can reach upwards of 5332 meters (nearly 17,500 feet) at the highest pass. Experience the once in a lifetime opportunity to explore the separate mountain kingdom of Lunana. This unforgettable landscape will challenge and exciting experienced hikers and make for a trek you will never forget.
7. Drakensberg Traverse- South Africa
This one is the toughest trek of South Africa . It ranges between 220-240 km. The first day of the trek is spent clamouring up chain ladders that take you to ridge. Animal tracks, footprints and rocks at the top will get you going the right way. There are no check points, no facilities and no markers ensure that you are on your own and you must be fully prepared. Intense hills, windy conditions,snow and mud all awaits you on this trek.
8. The Death Trail-Mount Huashan, China
It is known as the most dangerous hiking trail in the world. Mount huashan stands 2,154 metres tall .It is comprised of narrow passages made of wooden platforms . Whether you are a beginner or expert, “death trail” on Mount Huashan is one of the scariest trek around.
9. Pays dogon, Mali
A trek here can last between 2 and 10 days, and takes in the soaring cliffs of Bandiagara escarpment inlaid with old abandoned cliff dwellings. Dogon villages are an extraordinary highlight of the journey. The dogon are known for their stilt dancers, carved doors and pueblo-like dwellings built into the side of the escarpment.
10. GR20 , France
This demanding 15- day (168km, 104mi) slog through Corsica is legendary for the diversity of landscapes it traverses. There are forests, granite moonscapes, windswept craters, glacial lakes, torrents, peat bogs, maquis, snow-capped peaks, plains and névés (stretches of ice formed from snow). But it doesn’t come easy: the path is rocky and sometimes steep, and includes rickety bridges and slippery rock faces – all part of the fun.Created in 1972, the GR20 links Calenzana, in the Balagne, with Conca, north of Porto Vecchio. These 10 classic treks are for serious walkers. All of them require a sturdy pair of lungs, fit legs and a good amount of preparation. However, if you choose to go on any of these trails then you will be rewarded with experiences that last a lifetime. READY TO GO?